Devotional by Shaneice Miller Thomas, 2020 graduate of Tower of Hope Academy

I used to worry so much that when I stopped worrying, I was worried about the worry I was worrying about. True story.

Our constant worries about money, clothes, and food is not a new concept. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus encourages the people to stop worrying.

‘Look at the birds, they don’t sow or reap. God feeds them. Look at the lilies, not even Solomon could out dress them.’

Jesus points out their little faith and reminds them that God knows what they need. Are you not more valuable to God than birds and flowers? Of course you are! We serve a Good Father who loves us and takes care of us.

BUT. There is a but.

Verse 33 reads, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…” Go after God first before you seek Him for material things. Have faith that He already knows what you need and that He is able to supply it.

Seeking God first will add to your faith and subtract from your worries.

I am valuable to God and He will take care of my needs.

Father, help me to stay focused on You when I begin to worry. I will seek Your Word, Your will and Your way because You know what’s best for me.