Today’s focus is on finding the good in others. Our fast paced world and constant focus on ourselves leave little room for us to focus on others and leaves even less room for us to focus on the good in others. Nelson Mandela said, “It never hurts to see the good in someone. They often act the better because of it.” I found this to be true in my own personal relationships, and as I facilitate counsel others.
Seeing the good in others may actually do more for you than it does for others because 1) It helps you to focus on the positive. In a world that’s filled with information overload and constant negativity (home, work, telephone, email, social and media, you have to be intentional about thinking positive 2) Positivity breeds positivity. The more positive you are, the more positive thoughts come your way. The Law of Attraction can work for you or against you. Just keep in mind, it’s always working and 3) People tend to not disappoint you so look for goodness. Have you expected someone to let you down and sure enough it wasn’t long before they did. It is possible that the person did all that could be done to follow through, but perhaps circumstances beyond his control were responsible for the let down. In this case, the disappointment wasn’t in the character of the person as you supposed. Do yourself and others a favor. The next time you feel inclined to think negative or see the worst in someone, think of the good it would do you good to see the good in them.